DIGGING DEEP into exactly how THE 8085 PROCESSOR’S REGISTERS WERE developed

Hardware style lovers ought to already be salivating just taking a look at this image. however [Ken Shirriff’s] review on exactly how the 8085 processor’s registers were developed will put you in silicon reverse-engineering heaven. He handles to get to the bottom of the techniques the designers utilized to make register gain access to as effective as possible, like routing some with the ALU on their path elsewhere.

We’re definitely not professionals in studying dies like the one seen above. fortunately [Ken] does a fantastic task of zooming in on essential parts, then dissecting exactly how they work by representing the silicone picture as a practical flow chart. one of the parts which we discovered many fascinating is the WZ short-term registers. These are a set of interior registers that are not available to the programmer. They’re only utilized internally by the chip. They act as short-term storage for several operand functions, as well as likewise hold register addresses for a handful of directions (JMP, CALL, RST, etc.).

If you’re much more thinking about exactly how pictures of these chips are achieved you ought to do some browsing on Hackaday. just last week we featured one such job in a links post.

[via Reddit]